Bearing Jesus

June 27, 2021

Series: Five Stars

Audio Listen

Big Idea: People can change.

Sermon Outline

  1. Jesus died for me.
  2. I’m changed.
  3. I have a new calling.
  4. Bring the cross to others.

Discussion questions

  1. When have you experienced irreconcilable differences at work? At school? At home? With friends?
  2. Read through 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 in a translation and The Message Paraphrase. What is Paul’s main point?
  3. The word reconcile is repeated 5 times in this section. Have you ever considered yourself irreconciled from God? Is reconciliation with God a concept people think about? How will reconciliation with God promote relational reconciliation with others?
  4. Pastor Steve defined the role of an ambassador in the first century to include friendship and goodwill. Small countries would send ambassadors to Rome to demonstrate friendship. Rome would not send ambassadors because they had all the power. The ambassador always made the case for the one who sent them. What are the implications for us being ambassadors of Christ?
  5. Why do we hesitate to bring the cross to others? Are we sinning when we fail to be ambassadors?
  6. Discuss how the church can be ambassadors in the community.