How To Not Lose Heart

June 6, 2021

Series: Five Stars

Audio Listen


  • You don’t get to have an opinion of scripture, scripture has an opinion of you.
  • Pride blinds us. The light of Christ humbles us.
  • Everyone is dying to live. We just don’t want to die to self first.

The Way of the Jar – 2 Corinthians 4:7

  1. Shaped for Purpose – Ephesians 2:8-10
  2. Fired for Strength – 1 Peter 1:7
  3. Broken for Healing – 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 (NIV)
  4. Poured to Serve – Matthew 16:24-26 (NIV)

Will you Thud or Sing?

Discussion Questions

  1. How do you describe this season of life? Think pandemic and our distancing from one another.
  2. Have you ever had to defend your integrity? How did that feel? What was the outcome?
  3. Which of the three enemies of our soul do you wrestle with most? Pride? World’s Values? God of this age (devil)? How does the light of Christ help us overcome?
  4. Which stage in the Way of the Jar do you resonate with most? Shaped? Fired? Broken? Poured? How are we encouraged when we see what God is ultimately up to? Shining His light and sending His power through us as fragile and simple vessels.