Men’s Ministry

“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13

Here at Grace, manhood is celebrated, cultivated, and transformed.

In a world where manhood is often villainized or minimized, we believe that God created men to be risk-takers, world changers, and leaders. Men are born to be craftsmen, warriors, and farmers – called to have calloused hands that can both swing an axe and comfort a newborn. We strive to reclaim true manhood which ultimately looks like Jesus (the ultimate example of a man) who had the range to work with his hands, grill fish, make friends, open the Bible, sit children in his lap, and clean house with a whip when needed.

Most men don’t like going to church because the church has lost the heartbeat of manhood.

We invited you into our church with all your rough edges, all your baggage, and all your questions. We invite you to walk alongside other men in life who’ll help you follow Jesus. After all, once a man follows Jesus, the true adventure begins.

Mens Breakfast

Who doesn’t love a free breakfast? Join us for the quarterly Men’s Breakfast to hear a testimony, eat some delicious breakfast foods, and spend some time with the other men of Grace.

Groups for Men

We have several Men’s Bible Studies that meet weekly to encourage, support, and grow the men of our church. We encourage every man in our church to join a group and all men are welcome to join. Our Bibles Studies are geared for everyone, so even if you’ve never read the Bible you won’t feel stupid. Click the image below for more details on all the men’s groups.

Men's Recovery Group

If you are struggling with any hurt, habit, or hang-up then Celebrate Recovery is the group for you. Celebrate Recovery (co-ed) meets every Friday at 5:15pm. For information about the men’s only 12-Step Group please reach out to Pastor Josh Mitchell at

Men's Conference

We hold an annual half-day, on-site men’s conference to equip and encourage the men of our church (ages 13+).

Our 2024 men’s conference was Obstacle Course: A Guy’s Guide to Conquering Life’s Challenges with guest speaker Mark Haywood. Check back in early 2025 for details about our next men’s conference!