Accepted: Does God Really Love Me?


AcceptedAudio  |  Video  |  Sunday Summary


Steve Hill


Romans 8:31-39


  1. God gave us His Son & even more.
  2. God forgave you and declared you righteous.
  3. Jesus prays for us.
  4. My problems can never separate me from God’s love.
  5. I’m forever loved & accepted.


  1. Paul asks and answers 5 questions in this section. What point is he trying to make?
  2. Paul lists some things that might cause believers to doubt God’s love. What things cause people today to doubt God’s love?
  3. What do you learn about Jesus’ work on the cross for us? How is the cross of Christ the answer to the charges brought against us or the doubts we have?
  4. Do you harbor a sense of shame or guilt about things of which you know you’ve been forgiven? Do you feel forever loved & accepted by God?
  5. In Romans 8:36 there is a citation from Psalm 44:22. Why do you think this is placed there? Read Psalm 44:22-26. Why might the doctrine of eternal security be important?
  6. How do you present the love of God when sharing the gospel with a non-Christian?