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Steve Ellisen
Hebrews 12:1-3
How to persevere through hardship.
- What is the “therefore” there for?
- Disinvest
- Endure
- Focus
- Consider
- Who are your top one or two heroes of the faith that are listed in scripture?
- Who are your top one or two heroes of the faith, that have lived either over the last 2000 years, or who are alive today?
- Think just to yourself, what are areas that the Lord would call you to disinvest so you can run free in the mission of Jesus?
- What is the race that the Lord has called you to personally? For example; investing in kids and or youth? Serving as a hospitality member at church, serving on the security team, giving of you time, your talent, your treasure?
- In what way does focusing on Jesus and His victory, give us motivation and hope as we run this race of life?
- How can you not grow weary and loose heart in the mission of Jesus here and now?