40 Days of Prayer: How to Pray Through Chaos


40 Days of PrayerSunday Summary


Steve Hill


2 Chronicles 7:10-14


  1. I admit I’m not in control.
    • If I’m humble, God will guide me.
    • If I’m humble, God will honor me.
    • If I’m humble, God will give me the power to change.
    • If I’m humble, God will reduce my stress.
  2. I ask God for help.
    • Remember Jesus wants me to ask.
    • Ask in Jesus’ name.
    • Keep praying until God tells you to stop.
  3. Seek God, not a miracle.
  4. Turn your heart from the world to God’s word.
    • What happens when I trust God?
      • I hear an answer.
      • I will be forgiven.
      • I will experience a break through.


  1. What areas of your life do you feel are in control right now? Which ones are not?
  2. Discuss the difference between praying to seek God and praying to seek a miracle.
  3. When chaos arises, we tend to seek relief (medicate). What is your biggest barrier to seeking God in chaotic circumstances rather than immediate relief?
  4. What does Matthew 6:33-34 say to do above all else? What will be the ultimate result?
  5. Re-read 2 Chronicles 7:14. God’s first condition is that we humble ourselves. That means admitting we are not in control. If we are humble, God will guide us (Psalm 25:9), bless us (Isaiah 66:2), give us the power to change (James 4:6) and relieve our stress (Matthew 11:29). Read these verses and ask God to show you which you need most right now. Share with your group.


  • I will choose to trust God in the chaos and the mundane of life – every day.